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英国曼彻斯特大学Dr. Zhangjian Wu到北京理工大学授课和合作研究

       应北京理工大学宇航科学技术学院和爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室邀请,在北京理工大学引智计划的支持和资助下,英国曼彻斯特大学航空、机械与土木工程学院(School of Mechanical, Aerospace, Civil Engng,The University of Manchester)的Dr. Zhangjian Wu(伍章健)到我校进行双语教学交流、学术报告和合作研究。


  2008年12月16日星期二下午2:00在研究生楼303教室开始《弹性力学》(Elasticity)英语教学活动,总共进行了六次一十八个学时的讲座,就弹性力学的基本理论、基础知识和专题以及Dr. Zhangjian Wu在三维弹性力学的状态空间法及其应用方面的研究(讲座题目三)进行了较为详细的英语讲授。Dr. Zhangjian Wu的清晰、条理和充满激情讲授,使到课的老师和学生受到启发、收到了良好的教学效果。同时,通过这次的国外教师的英语授课,使同学们了解和体会到国外教学方法和教学内容,提高和锻炼了同学们使用专业外语的水平和能力,激发了同学们进一步参与外语或双语教学的兴趣和积极性。

    同时,在交流访问期间于2008年12月19日和12月22日下午在爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室二层会议室分别进行了题目为《The repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures using composites》和《Composite Interface Fracture & Damage---Design, Testing and Evaluation of Structural Integrity》学术讲座及交流报告。报告由重点实验室副主任张庆明教授主持,相关专业的老师和同学参加了学术交流活动。

讲座题目一:The repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures using composites 

The report covers the background of the research, properties of the materials used, design considerations, applications in bridge, building and blast-resistant structures. Some advantages and perceived barriers in the use of FRP will be discussed as well. Many practical engineering projects (mainly in UK) by using FRP will be introduced.

讲座题目二: Composite Interface Fracture & Damage---Design, Testing and Evaluation of Structural Integrity

The main topics include

1. Interface Theoretical Analysis 

2. Interface Design and Test




3. FRP Hybrid Structures

4. Fracture Mechanism and Bridge-toughening of Fibrous Monolithic Ceramics

The presentations are all the results of reporter’s researches, with emphasis on the interface fracture of FRP/concrete hybrid structures. Both theoretical analyses and experimental phenomena will be shown and some potential problems, together with possible solutions, related to the modelling analysis of structural integrity, will be given.

讲座题目三: State Space Method of 3D Elasticity and Their Applications

This seminar will provide the audiences with the following information:

1、Concept of State and State Variables

2、Solution for a Linear Time-invariant System

3、State Variable Equation of Elasticity and

4、Application of State Space Method in multilayer/laminate system.






  自96年起, 先后在荷兰代尔夫特大学(Delft)土木工程系,香港科技大学电子工程系,英国利兹大学(Leeds)土木工程系,北爱尔兰奥斯特大学(Ulster)机械工程系以及曼彻斯特大学(Manchester)航空、机械与土木工程学院任职任教。
